The Lesbian - Who Didn't Give Up

  • Тарас Зозулінський

When Mariika was fourteen, she began to be attracted to girls. Then - for the first time - she faced prejudice in Ukrainian society - and a negative attitude towards lesbians.
Mariyka got a lot of stress, she had severe depression, she didn’t leave the house for several months.
But - she found the strength to fight. And not only for their rights, but also for the rights of other lesbians.
Mariyka founded a chain of restaurants in Lviv, where LGBT representatives worked.
Also - she founded a club where lesbians gather and discuss their problems, and ways to protect their rights.
Mariyka is a music producer. Two lesbians sang in her group. They hold concerts, tours across Ukraine, record albums.
All her activities are aimed at finding ways to help and self-actualize lesbians